40-Day SpiritUal Growth Campaign
Fall 2022
This Fall at Riverfront Family Church, we are setting sail and charting a new course for our church community. As we emerge from two years of COVID-19 and other challenges, we are renewing our vision and committments as a church -- to God, to each other, to our city and neighbors, and to the work of justice in the world. Whether you are new to RFC, have been here since our founding, or have even stepped away for a season, this is the time to reconnect, re-engage, and recommit to your core purpose and life mission.
09.11.22 - Pre-Campaign: Preparing for the Journey
- Kids Ministry Fall Kick Off
09.18.22 - Week #1: Setting Course Together
- Start signing up for Huddles & Small Groups!
- Fellowship Lunch
09-25-22 - Week #2: As the Wind Blows
- Small Group/Huddle Sign Ups
- Midweek (Wed): Prayer & Potluck (6:30pm)
10.02.22 - Week #3: Huts of Refuge
- Community Engagement Fair (after service)
- Sign Up for Community Projects ("Love Hartford" Upcoming Events)
10.09.22 - Week #4: All Hands on Deck!
- "SHAPE: Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts & SHAPE for Ministry" (Part #1)
- Small Groups & Huddles Launch this week!
10.16.22 - Week #5: Daring Failure: A Cause Worth Failing For
- "SHAPE: Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts & SHAPE for Ministry" (Part #2)
- "Love Hartford" Week of Service
10.23.22 - Week #6: Trimming the Sails & Other Fundamentals of the Sea
- Commissioning of new Action Teams
- Annual Covenant & Membership Renewal
- Fellowship Lunch
10.30.22 - Week #7: Setting Sail Together
- Volunteer Opportunity Fair
11.06.22 - Post-Campaign Celebration: "Telling Our Stories"
- sharing & celebrating together