Dear RFC Friends & Members,
Pastor Michael, Pastor Liza, and I want to go sailing with you! Where, you ask? Wherever the winds take us! Destinations unknown!
Like Ulysses setting sail for home, or the Apostle Paul setting sale on his journey, adventures lie ahead. As author David Sedaris writes in his book "Theft by Finding: Diaries", “You haven’t lived until you’ve sailed.”
So, will you set sail with us? Ready for an adventure?
For us, sailing is a metaphor for the journey God has us on as individuals and as a church. We read the winds, follow the Spirit, seeking new adventures. After the challenging last two years, we have spent the last several months in a process of reimagining what faith life and community can look like. So we are taking 40 Days this Fall to read the winds, seek God in new ways, follow the Spirit, and travel together towards destinations unknown!
Our "40 Days: All Hands on Deck" journey officially launches on Sept 18th. Pastor Liza will be kicking off our series. Following that service we will have a potluck community lunch, just as a way to celebrate and reconnect. And then we will be on a journey together! (You can sign up here to bring something to the potluck!)
This Sunday, we will be giving a message on "Preparing for the Journey" -- I truly hope you can be there, either online or in-person. Sunday is also the launch of our new kids ministry season, in partnership with Immanuel Congregational Church. It is going to be a great Sunday!
Last Sunday, I challenged everyone who was there to consider two commitments: (1) Commit to being on board for the whole 40-Day journey; and (2) INVITE someone (someones) to join you on this journey! I extend the same to challenge to each of you.
If you are up for it, please email us to let us know that you are "in for the journey", and if you email us the names of people you are hoping to invite, we will be praying with and for you! Email all of us at pastors@riverfront.church. You can also register for the 40 Days Journey at www.Riverfront.Church/40days.
We have all been through a dificult and challenging season -- one filled with grief, trauma, disconnection, and many challenges. I truly hope that this 40 Day experience will be rejuvenating and soul-filling in significant ways for you. Whether you have been coming every week to church or have been away for a while, this is a geat opportunity to reconnect, re-engage, and create space for the Spirit to move in and through you.
So what do you say? Are you ready to set sail with us?
With love in Christ,
Pastor Ben
Pastor Michael
Pastor Liza
Join us on Sunday 9/18 and we launch our 40 Days Spiritual Growth Campaign! After the service we will have a fellowship lunch, potluck-style. Please bring something to share!!! You can sign up to bring something here.

Many of us are fans of Geraldine Brooks, author of, among other things, People of the Book and March. Her latest book is Horse, which centers on the role of black slaves in the horse racing industry in the South. Can a white author convey a narrative of the black slavery experience? The attached Atlantic article has an opinion. I think we should read this book with a questioning mind. There is much to learn, but many voices to teach.
Chris Graesser