Here is a list of six great books to read during PRIDE month... check them out and let me know if you read any.
From the Eerdman's webiste:
June is Pride Month, and you’ve probably seen countless businesses touting their rainbow flags, multi-colored logos or raising their support in different ways. Yet, there is still such disunity and unrest on this topic, among people of faith especially. We find ourselves at a time again where we should be willing to listen and seek to understand those in the LGBTQ+ community who are simply fighting to be seen and heard, cared for and loved. This month, as an Eerdmans reading community, we hope you’ll take time to listen. Check out some of our upcoming and previously published books that give a voice to wonderful stories of life, love, rocky relationships, and what the Bible has to say about it all.
RFC Strategic Plan: RFC 3.0
Riverfront held Vision nights during the Fall, Winter and Early Spring of 2019-20. From those meetings these are the six major themes that we feel will shape us as a church over the next 10 years...

We are called to be ANTI-RACIST and pursue RACIAL JUSTICE
We are called to the city (Hartford), to be in the marketplace (third space), to be an incarnational church in a specific context, to engage the neighborhood through partnerships and PEACE initiatives: promoting reconciliation, equipping leaders, assisting the poor (economic development, GHIAA, etc), caring for the sick (compassion, recovery, GHIAA advocacy), educating the next generation (focus on next gen ministries, homework clubs, etc etc)
We are called to help people encounter Jesus and become more like Him. Embrace the ancient pathways of spiritual formation and practices, integrate into huddles, provide space for seekers and finders, tools for deconstruction-reconstruction.
We are called to prioritize the NEXT GENERATION by being the church kids want to be at and providing all the same things as we are called to provide adults -- a place of reconciliation, place, spiritual formation, healing, etc.
We are called to be a place of healing from wounds inflicted by the world and even within the church. We have seen this manifest through ministry by and with the LGBTQ community; we see this continuing and growing to embrace a gospel of radical inclusivity for all by providing safe spaces and places for healing, intercession & prayer, development and affirmation of individual gifts and callings, etc.
We are called to reproduce ourselves through the planting and development of new ministries and churches, locally, regionally and globally.
Here are the 7 sermons from that series: click here